Sunday, October 5, 2008

A New Journey

CLoud, My Mentor …. My friend. Even tho’ you know … Thank You.

To Begin a new journey …. Where does one really start?

How does one know that as they begin and where they now find themselves is not a choice, but where they must be.

Yet, having the ‘sense’ of …. I’m here, that I belong and can now live My true self takes …

Opportunity …

Taking that first nervous step, yet once unleashed transforms into an action of Fearlessness.

With the gentle guidance of My Mentor CLoud, I have been given that opportunity. Like a wave of anticipation that has finally penetrated its mark, I feel Alive, and want more (and as He knows …) very much more!

Whether You/you are a Master/Dom/Domme or slave/sub. For all of Us/us it has to begin somewhere.

Of course, there are stumbling blocks along the way, situations with others that one is lead to believe may develop further, yet not. No matter, it all comes around as it should and is meant to.

At this point in time I am a fledgling … yet, My soul vibrates with all the rhythms of My past lives that have lived this way before. I believe it is also ‘why’ when I’m fully engaged with what CLoud provides to Me for My feeding … it doesn’t really feel like I’m being trained. Moreover it just feels like confirmation of how I knew I would be as My mind quickly races into the ‘next’ scene well before what is in front of Me is even completed.

So, what does all this ranting really mean?

Even though as I am one whom has only emerged into this scene, I know it is a world that I have lived and inhaled deeply many times before.

So quickly My Dominant spirit has unwrapped itself. So effortlessly I fall in step with CLoud’s introduction to that next level of awareness He knows I must embrace. He provides Me His slaves for My training, knowing it is only to build the foundation for My true self to emerge.

Now only to find one who can complement Me in the purest of forms and join Me … Yet in time, I am sure they will present themselves.

- Agdistis


CLoud said...

So lovely to feel and see the raw emotions of your awakening and your first steps. I look forward to watching you grow into your natural position.

morningstar said...


i am looking forward to finally meeting You - i was so disappointed i missed the munch due to my "mystery" bug !!

i am also thinking my first lesson will have to be the correct pronunciation of Your name.. of course i could easily get by with a "yes Ma'am...... no Ma'am" (cheeky grin)

morningstar (owned by Warren)