Monday, September 21, 2009

The answer for a singular voice

Some one has complained tht I moderate comment and on this blog I have in the past but it seems it crimps some one’s need that I allow comments to be immediately seen. Well then I give all a chance to comment on blogs younger then 14 days that means that if you want not to be moderated make your comment with in fourteen days of my posting as the other others seem to have disappeared from active writing.

SO now for that voice that wishes so desperately to heard you have a window of opportunity. I will still only return the comment why I have time to think on what you said.

Enjoy. Oh a ps I have only deleted one comment that was a spam wanting to know if you would like to fiend and oriental wife hmmm well just in case you do drop me a line I am sure I can find it some where. Oh I deleted one of my blogs also but never a post or serious of posts so both bad and crazy posts are available for all to read no matter if I like them or not.


morningstar said...

ok.. i honestly didn't get that.. i can post on blog entries older than 14 days without moderation?? or i can post up till 14 days and then moderation will kick in.. you do like to complicate things don't you??

soooooooo when you post something worthy of discussion or debate.. i will comment.. until then... shrug.. i will just wiggle my ass at you

morningstar (owned by Warren)

CLoud said...

no it is the old blogs taht you be moderated on feel free to comment on the newer ones

Deb said...

Master CLoud, there is no way to please all these voices! Just do what YOU want!

Deb said...

... and when they grouse, tell them to write their own damned blogs!