Friday, October 23, 2009


Are they not lovely things? One can take a few words or phrases and interrupted what you want what you are all about. Such an occurrence just happened tp the questions and me were simple yet for some reason I was interrupted as a vile and evil man.

I asked of the women since she describes her self as BBw if she was happy with her body? I asked what she meant by the term slave? Did she have any hard limits? And I told her not to call me Master.

All I can say is that some one did not read my questions but instead assumed the true motives in my questions were to cover her in scat and give her to some boys soccer team. Now any one who reads my profile know my hard limits include shit and children as well as a few others.

First I wonder why I should make profiles the do not read them they take one line or word and interrupt it perhaps I should just post a pic and have them make up my profile. As for evil yes many have describe as evil but usually with a twinkle in their eye or a smile on their face to me that means a good thing especially in this lifestyle.



Deb said...

I grieve with you, CLoud, over being misread and misinterpreted. Though misinterpretation is by no means limited to the bdsm world, I would have to say perhaps the consequences of misunderstand tend to be worse!

In my own experience with Lord Dragonwood, I did not even know what my own limits were, until he began questioning me. The evenings we spent in discussion quite surprised me - I had never thought of half the things he questioned me about! Fortunately for me, Lord Dragonwood is both patient, and thorough.

But it does seem that most people do not take the time to read carefully, or to consider what they have read, before reacting to it.

I have in recent days been involved in several conversations with (vanilla) friends and acquaintances, which had each taken an unpleasant turn. I don't know if there is something amiss in the heavens, but I know that I began to question my own ability to communicate. And one such conversation ended with what I believe to be the end of a friendship, always a sad and confusing occurrence.

All miscommunication, all misunderstanding, all confusion caused by these kinds of events, are amplified in the bdsm world and lifestyle. I find it disturbing that anyone engaging in discourse with a Dom or sub would do so without careful and lengthy consideration of what was asked, what was said, what is meant.

Master CLoud, you can be most cryptic in your writing - something which to my thinking is in contrast to how clearly you speak in person. I do find that I must read and re-read your writing in order to arrive at an understanding of your main points and your subtext. This is not a criticism, but an observation. And as a suggestion, I offer this: that perhaps, when engaging in converse with someone who is unfamiliar with you, you take the time to warn them that they must read what you write several times and very carefully, before drawing conclusions!

But as you mentioned your profile - again, I think you have fallen victim to someone's impatience. I have been guilty of such impatience myself - scanning a profile rather than studying it, and reading things into it that are not there, and not reading it at all, preferring to rush into conversation.

At M.I.T., the name given by the students to one of their first internet servers was RTFM.

It stands for "Read The Fucking Manual."

Lord DragonWood said...

Salutation and Reverence Master CLoud,
Yes i do agree with you that assumptions can be quite misleading to some... but i do wonder why this person's mind jumped at those possibilities first instead of trying to understand the questions being asked?

But sometimes, the right people will make wonderful associations... Point in fact: at a Gathering 2 years ago, someone told a walkie-talkie users not to use the alarm on the thing or they would get beaten up.... a close friend started laughing and said.... well, i don't see this as being a big incentive to stop doing it !

Be well,