Thursday, August 18, 2011


It started around five thirty. One of the few times there is no human made noise just the noise trees make when they are still. A smell of forest a feeling of moisture but not mist nor rain just a coolness about it. SO pleasant that i bared my flesh to it and enjoyed nature. Funny the peace one can take from this perfect time and place. It is a wonder why we push so hard to get away from it and go to the elect tonics the bells and whistles that so control or push our stress levels.


Tonya said...

This makes me want to toss my cell phone and laptop and just go on a 3day hike. Maybe hunt for fairies.

Christina said...

Every so often anymore I take what I call a Mental health Day except instead of just lasting one day it can last up to weeks or months [not more than 2]! I dont excess the computer and/or the cellphone but when Im feeling better I can't seem to stay off the comnputer - Insominia sets in!!!