Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Funny emails, chats blogs and threads all forms of communication yet the old liquid lunch or at least as liquid as I can do now can reveal so much about people and relations. Openness occurs even with out the beer as if you more easily em brass the trust set out at such events. So that said I met some a friend of a friend from the states very enjoyable person Look forward to chatting with her more in the future. I found out that in my friend who introduced us has gone through so many adventures in the short period of two weeks. I see many fears have fall and tastes have change I would have to say her growth rate is phenomenal and quiet exciting to be a small part of it. It is not always perfect the development of our lives but it is so exciting when we dare to step and increase our vulnerability by revealing a little more of our selves to others.

Now why am I labeling this under fear well I cannot think of anything more fearful for my self then reveal my darkness to others. When others do this with such easy it impresses me. I have always said knowledge is the most powerful weapon I give it in distorted blurbs and hidden in phrases never quite saying the entire truth instead leaving the truth hidden in layers of words.

So I am impress with my friend, old and new. Yes even a little with myself wonderful what lunch can do for you !

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