Thursday, June 10, 2010

A view through others eyes.

A joke was sent to me it started with What real men are. It listed these wonderful traits that inspired the author of the joke to aspire to many great things. Here it is:

A Real Man
A real man is a woman's best friend. He will
never stand her up and never let her down.
He will reassure her when she feels insecure
and comfort her after a bad day.

He will inspire her to do things she never
thought she could do; to live without fear
and forget regret. He will enable her to
express her deepest emotions and give in to
her most intimate desires. He will make sure
she always feels as though she's the most
beautiful woman in the room and will enable
her to be the most confident, sexy,
seductive, and invincible.

No wait... sorry... I'm thinking of wine.
Never mind.

I thought the punch line would have been a dog actually. Funny how we perceive each other to the point of grouping all men to be less then a glass of wine. I seem to remember many women brning their bras and telling me how much better the world would be if they were in power. I held out hope to see a better place that maybe their understanding of the things would allow them to mother this poor earth back.

Yet power does corrupt even the smallest amount. The statement sof how they would change life and make everyone equal does not show in this joke. IF it was written about real women it first would be chastised in our society as derogatory, belittling females at the least sexist and the author a chauvinist. It would also paint a picture of wine guzzling chauvinist as the norm for all men.

So what have I learned? Humour is another form of bulling power corrupts in a greater ratio in those that did not have then those that had power for a longer time. That no matter how hard one tries to stop the pendulum in the middle it will swing freely to compensate for how far it was on the other side.

When we look though others eyes we see the injustice but when looking through our own eyes we enjoy the power.

Not a rant just a thought, looking through my eyes.


Deb said...

In every joke is an essential element of truth. Without the "truth," the joke isn't funny.

I can't decide whether this joke insults women or men more. I only know it made me laugh when I recognized myself - as seen through the glow of the rosé!

I don't know why many women seem to have such a difficult time deciding what they want from a man, a partner, or from a Dominant. It must be the way we were raised, to think that someone else would care for us, would make the difficult decisions. We do, as a group, seem to be quite gullible, quite naive, in that respect. And because of this we tend to waffle on what we want, unable to admit we want something material, something solid, because we always have to be "nice."

morningstar said...

The one thing I am learning in this new journey of mine...... is to ask for something..... help... a spanking... an ear to listen...

It hasn't been an easy lesson.. but I am learning........

I think men have as much to learn about asking as women do....

and that's about as much wisdom I can squeeze out of my lil brain BEFORE coffee :)


CLoud said...

I fully agree with th eidea that the joke is demeaning to both sexes I would think by now we could use some sort of inteligent word play for our humour kamala.

I never like asking whenin the submissive position it does take awat from the sensation I feel. DUring my mentoring of Dommes it is the only way to teach tehm what to look for in behavior it certainly gets me what I want rather then (excuse the pun) the hit and miss way of the nouveau lifestylers.

Thanks morningstar for you comment.